Bill Hoo
Environmental & Fine Art Infrared Photographer

Bill Hoo is all about preserving our land, water, air, wild life, food chain, that will provide good health and quality of life, through education, dedication, inspiration, innovation through his documentary photography approach.

The evidence of global climate change can no longer be denied. In the last couple of decades, there have been harrowing examples of severe and damaging hurricanes, tornadoes, melting glaciers, droughts, flooding, and forest fires around the world. If pollution, waste, and global temperatures continue to rise, it is only a matter of time before other problems start to surface and snowball into bigger issues.

For instance, food shortages, famine, reduced clean water supplies, and a depletion of other natural resources will greatly affect economies and societies across the planet. Our quality of life as we know it could vastly change in a blink of an eye.

We all have contributed to the problem and need to collectively be proactive about reducing our carbon footprint and changing our wasteful habits. Our greatest challenge for right now is to greatly reduce fossil fuel energy with clean and renewable energy, be mindful of the amount of electricity that we use daily, recycle and reuse, eat seasonally and locally, conserve our water, and support green businesses.

Bill's recent photography is a mix of 2-D & 3-D photographic print and mixed media montage style by creating multiple image layers that each float above the canvas floor. He cuts up his original image files and sometimes he uses cutouts to reveal how fragile and sensitive our world is to the rising temperatures of just a few degrees. He introduces and combines forms of nature and the archenemies carbon dioxide molecule (CO2), the feared greenhouse gas to illustrate the effects of global warming and how it affects our lives and our future.

Bill shoots with cameras that render infrared and ultraviolet spectrums to filter out the light waves that are visible to the human eye. His monochromatic (B&W) nature landscapes and aerial photography purposely strips out all subjectivity to color. Recently I have been experimenting with time lapse and high speed motion 4K video. Capturing tides, storms, bees, reveals a totally different perspective of erosion, destruction, blooming or melting. We can learn a lot with this tool.

Bill's work has been displayed in many galleries and museums. He will soon publish his first book on the effects of Superstorm Hurricane Sandy on New Drorp Beach, Staten Island, New York and Phillips Avenue Beach, Deal, New Jersey. This book project spans over 2.5 years, presenting 155 infrared monochromes (B&W) photos and his commentary on the power of this storm, all the peolpe who lost everything.

Are we ready to make the changes to fix the cause, rather than to continue to rebuild over and over and again and again?

He is also working on 2 other environmental projects "The End of the Wetlands" and "Beauty and the Beach."